We sailed into the Straits of Magellan around 10:30 this morning under blue skies and warm weather. From our balcony, we spotted whale spouts, sometimes two and three at a time. We must have moved by a pod of whales because we saw one spout after another, with the rolling backs and fins of the whales clearly visible. After several dozen sightings we haven’t seen another since.
The straits were first charted by the Portuguese sailor Ferdinand Magellan in 1520 under contract to the Spanish king who wanted a safer route for his galleons to bring back plundered gold and silver from the new world. They separate Tierra Del Fuego from the mainland of Chile. At their narrowest, the Straits are just over a mile wide.
The mountains are getting bigger and more rocky (the white is rock not snow).
Once again it was a sunny day and even though it was cold on deck, we could enjoy the hot tubs and sitting on our balcony, which was remarkably warm in the sunshine.