I’m creating this website for a couple of reasons.
First, I’d like to preserve some of the things I’ve done, my life legacy, for my children and their children.
Having just retired, I find myself wanting to create a record of my life’s work in order to preserve it. Yes, that means going through file drawers and photo albums and recipe boxes and making decisions about what should be preserved. But better that I should make those decisions than my children. Having recently gone through my mother’s file drawers, I know how difficult a process that is, so I would like to make the process easier for my children. I’d like to catalog what I’d like to preserve—my legacy—so my kids will not have to decide what to keep and what to throw away. My legacy will be on this site.
Second, I’d like to share what I am doing in order to inspire others to do something similar with their own memories, recipes, and projects.
Creative Construction

I became a Do-It-Yourselfer for two reasons: I wanted creative control and I couldn’t afford to hire tradesmen to do the jobs I wanted done. I have always been a recycler by virtue of finding wonderful old materials and wanting to incorporate them into structures. Nothing is more satisfying than fixing up an old house and making it your unique space. In this section I share a couple of the projects I’ve worked on.
Travel Blog

I love to travel and have had the great good fortune to find inexpensive travel deals. Here I share some of the wonderful places I’ve visited.
Creative Cooking

Enjoying good food is one of the great pleasures of life. I love to cook and I love to experiment with fresh, local ingredients. Here are some of my favorite recipes.

I have been a fiction writer most of my life. I have written four novels, five screenplays, and numerous short stories. Visit my fiction website here:
Textbooks and CD-ROM

I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to co-author a CD-ROM and three textbooks for college-level developmental writing students. The textbooks are still used nationally and are available on Amazon.
Take a look here.